Dear Representative/Senator:
We the People demand you repeal the dangerous, intrusive, and unconstitutional auto “Kill Switch” provision buried in H.R. 3684, the new infrastructure legislation.
This provision requires automakers to outfit new cars with a device that will monitor and assess a driver’s fitness to drive, and shut down the car if it appears the driver is “impaired” in any way. Consider what this “kill switch” could do:
Turn off the car while it’s moving—Potentially deadly!
Strand a young mother on a mountain pass with her children without heat, food, or help on a freezing night in the dead of winter.
Strand motorists on a stretch of road in Death Valley, leaving the car dead with no A/C.
Strand a motorist in a dangerous part of town late at night.
A Virginia father died trying to walk home after his car got stuck in the recent snow storm. Will this become a regular thing if the government can turn your car off?
This device will have a backdoor enabling uncheck government agencies and secret police surveillance of any target that interests them. And like everything else connected to the internet, it will be vulnerable to hackers.
This is like 1984, with Big Brother watching our every step and treating us like subjects, instead of citizens!
We will not stand to have our ability to drive left to the whims of some Washington bureaucrat, or an electronic device prone to failure!
This will only be the first step. It will enable adding on more gimmicks, like tracking miles driven for a future mileage or road use tax.
This “kill switch” will enable future politicians to turn off all cars when they decide to ban private transportation. They are already looking to ban gasoline-powered autos!
This is one of the most outrageous, dangerous, and unconstitutional provisions buried in this onerous new law and it absolutely must be repealed!
Therefore, I urge you to sign this PETITION that demands Congress repeal this dangerous, intrusive, and unconstitutional auto “Kill Switch” provision buried in H.R. 3684, the new infrastructure legislation.